Lent 2019 Day 31 “Quilts, Puzzles, & Life”


Apr 5

Psalm 107 Jeremiah 23:1-8 Romans 8:28-39 John 6:52-59


Romans 8:28-29 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

Have you ever looked over your life and wondered how all the experiences have worked together? Have you ever reflected on the things that excite you and the things that ignite you and wondered how they fit together? Think on the times you felt most confident and compare that to the times you felt most incompetent. Does either experience totally describe who you are? Who GOD is?

I hold today that life with GOD can be like a puzzle. Every piece has its own distinct shape. Each distinct piece is like an experience in life. The first time you were teased and the first time you were treasured are both pieces of the same puzzle. the first tear and the first cheer are parts of the puzzle called you. The challenge many of us face is figuring out how each piece fits in with the other. Adding to the complexity of this particular puzzle is we don’t have an accurate picture of what the puzzle is supposed to look at. Paul the writer of this text, wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that we see through a glass dimly. Our picture is incomplete, unclear. This can be frustrating.

In our text today from Romans 8:28-39 we get a confirmation that every piece will fit. GOD inspires Paul to see and say that in All things works for the good of those who love GOD who have been called according to GODS purpose. All things work. Imagine all the parts of an engine laying on the ground. You know they came from the same engine but they are disassembled. Sometimes just knowing they will fit gives us a bit of confidence to keep working on it. We do not quit because we know in the end it will work out. And so it is with the puzzle of life. As we continue loving and living GOD helps to put together all the parts of our spiritual engine and puzzle. How does GOD do it we a times wonder.

In response to that the text goes on to say that nothing can separate us from the love of GOD. We find that we are more than conquerors through GOD who loves us. Things work together. As you go and grow through this day and Lenten season, may you can greater insight into how all you have been through has helped to equip you for where you are going to. GOD is constantly working on our behalf and it would be premature to let one experience derail our overall progress. Langston Hughes once wrote, “Hold fast to dreams for when dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly”. In that same way I say hold on to your love for GOD, for nothing can separate GODS love for you.

PRAYER: LORD strengthen us when the pieces of our life look like they don’t fit. Help us to not grow weary in well doing even when there is no confirmation that we are having any effect. Heal our brokenness born from disappointment and despair. Thank you for your never failing love. AMEN

Point to Ponder: What is your greatest challenge? Are there any pieces of your life that you have chosen to forget and leave behind? Is now the time to ask GOD to show you how it fits into the whole of who you are.

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