Wednesday Holy Week “Betrayal, We Are All Judas”

Our scripture today is John 13:21-32

Have you ever been troubled in your spirit? Have you ever sensed something was about to happen that made you feel uneasy? There are times when GOD allows us to feel when there is a shift in our spiritual atmosphere. We may not know when, where, or why, but we do know something’s up. In times like these, Be alert, for your adversary, the devil is lurking like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

In our text today Jesus feels something is about to happen. After saying “whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”Jesus was troubled in his spirit.” He senses that someone has been giving lip service to following him, but inwardly they are not totally committed to the cause. Jesus senses betrayal is in the air. What follows is a cautionary tale for all of us. I begin by saying, I apologize to Judas. I know he was the one who ultimately betrayed Jesus, however it could have been any of the disciples, just like it could have been any of us. We like to believe we wouldn’t let the Master down, yet even the disciples paused and wondered who it was. I contend if we could have gone into each of their minds we would have heard each of them playing the blame game. They could have found fault with any one. For Judas it was money, but for Peter it could have been cussing, or violence. For Thomas it could have been doubting. What i’m driving at is we are all capable of letting our Savior down. Each of us is guilty of betrayal in one way or another. This scene of betrayal with Judas could have played out with any human of any time in history, for all of us have sinned and fallen short of GOD’S glory. For this reason I apologize to Judas because that would totally absolve me for any part I have played in the betrayal. I apologize to Judas because he takes the fall for fallen humanity, and we see how he couldn’t handle the stress of it all.

Recognizing the ways that we all have betrayed Jesus is a sobering thought for me. As we go through today, let us reflect on being more aware of our opportunities to be more forgiving, and loving, for there but by the grace of GOD, We ARE JUDAS. #livebig

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