2023 Holy Monday “

Matthew 21:18-22


18 Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. 19 Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered. 20 When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?” they asked.21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Building upon 40 Days of Devotion we begin Holy Week. After 40 days of sacrifice, and repentance we are now faced with the prospect of an even more difficult task. Some might say we come out of the frying pan and jumped right into the skillet. Yesterday we had a moment to exhale, to celebrate. Palm Sunday reminded us that every now and then people get it right. Jesus enters humbly into Jerusalem but he is welcomed like the King he is. The people greet him with shouts of save us and blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. For just a moment it seems like things are going to get better. Still Jesus did not get caught up in the hype. Instead of relying on the emotions of the people to dictate his future actions, Jesus continue his pursuit to the cross. Jesus chooses the Hope of eternity over the hype of humanity.

Our text begins the next morning. After the hoopla of yesterday Jesus is on his way back to the city and sees a fig tree. Upon seeing the tree there is the expectation there would be figs on the tree. Jesus is hungry and is anticipating a breakfast of figs and fellowship. What he finds is an empty tree. Looks good but producing nothing. How often are we like this fig tree. We look good on the outside, we have our bibles, and we have memorized some key verses. We know “church talk” and can be seen in some of the “right” places. But upon closer inspection, we are full of sound and fury signifying nothing. There is no substance to us. Far too often we focus on our shell and neglect our soul. Jesus expects fruit and finds fakery. He then utters what I sense to be a scary utterance. Jesus says “may you never bear fruit again”. Wow and owww. The first law GOD gave creation was be fruitful and multiple. For Jesus to say be no more fruitful is to take away its purpose. Immediately the tree withers. Life without purpose is death. When I read this I can imagine what it would be like if all hope were gone. Even further when I read this I sense Jesus challenging us on being true to fulfilling our purpose. We are called to do more than look good and talk the talk. When we are fig trees in a world that is hungry, we are intended to bear fruit. Not just leaves, but fruit.

Jesus challenges us on bearing fruit and also uses this experience as a teaching moment for the disciples. Jesus replied to the disciples amazement by saying, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” When we pray we are exposed to an unlimited supply of power. Jesus helps us to unlock a treasure of incalculable value. Faith without doubt. The power is not in the praise of people but in the presence of GOD.

Today I am encouraged to be intentional about bearing fruit. The hype of should should not dictate the life we live. Beyond the hype, the work for the kingdom must still be done. Do not grow weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap a harvest i we faint not. #livebig

POint to Ponder: How will You choose hope over hype? Who have you hyped up only to find they disappointed you? Would you rather be loved for people pleasing  or respected for telling it like it is?

Wednesday Holy Week 2018: Judas, You, and Me

John 13:21-32 New International Version (NIV)

21 After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, “Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.” 22 His disciples stared at one another, at a loss to know which of them he meant. 23 One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. 24 Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him which one he means.” 25 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?” 26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. So Jesus told him, “What you are about to do, do quickly.” 28 But no one at the meal understood why Jesus said this to him. 29 Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought Jesus was telling him to buy what was needed for the festival or to give something to the poor. 30 As soon as Judas had taken the bread, he went out. And it was night.

Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial

31 When he was gone, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified and God is glorified in him. 32 If God is glorified in him,[a] God will glorify the Son in himself and will glorify him at once.

Judas You And Me

Have you ever been troubled in your spirit? Have you ever sensed something was about to happen that made you feel uneasy? There are times when GOD allows us to feel when there is a shift in our spiritual atmosphere. We may not know when, where, or why, but we do know something’s up. In times like these, Be alert, for your adversary, the devil is lurking like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

In our text today Jesus feels something is about to happen. After saying “whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me, and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”Jesus was troubled in his spirit.” He senses that someone has been giving lip service to following him, but inwardly they are not totally committed to the cause. Jesus senses betrayal is in the air. What follows is a cautionary tale for all of us. I begin by saying, I apologize to Judas. I know he was the one who ultimately betrayed Jesus, however, it could have been any of the disciples, just like it could have been any of us. We like to believe we wouldn’t let the Master down, yet even the disciples paused and wondered who it was. I contend if we could have gone into each of their minds we would have heard each of them playing the blame game. They could have found fault with any one. For Judas it was money, but for Peter, it could have been cussing, or violence. For Thomas, it could have been doubting. What I’m driving at is we are all capable of letting our Savior down. Each of us is guilty of betrayal in one way or another. This scene of betrayal with Judas could have played out with any human of any time in history, for all of us have sinned and fallen short of GOD’S glory. For this reason, I apologize to Judas because that would totally absolve me for any part I have played in the betrayal. I apologize to Judas because he takes the fall for fallen humanity, and we see how he couldn’t handle the stress of it all. Secondly I apologize to Judas because it is possible he truly believed the Jeshua would not allow his demise to come like this. In some wa,ys, he may have been working to force Jeshua to claim his throne as Israel’s new king. Unfortunately the kingdom Jeshua came to introduce was not of this world.

Recognizing the ways that we all have betrayed Jesus is a sobering thought for me. We are all like Judas, impatient, reckless, selfish from time to time.  As we go through today, let us reflect on being more aware of our opportunities to be more forgiving, and loving, for there but by the grace of GOD, We ARE JUDAS. #livebig

PRAYER: LORD too often we have betrayed you. We have been too gullible and receptive to the schemes of the devil. Help us to be more aware of your presence and more patient with your Divine delays.

Point To Ponder: How have you betrayed Yeshua? How have you connected with your weaknesses? What will you do about it?

Wednesday Holy Week: Judas, You, and Me

Our scripture today is John 13:21-32


Have you ever been troubled in your spirit? Have you ever sensed something was about to happen that made you feel uneasy? There are times when GOD allows us to feel when there is a shift in our spiritual atmosphere. We may not know when, where, or why, but we do know something’s up. In times like these, Be alert, for your adversary, the devil is lurking like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

In our text today Jesus feels something is about to happen. After saying “whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”Jesus was troubled in his spirit.” He senses that someone has been giving lip service to following him, but inwardly they are not totally committed to the cause. Jesus senses betrayal is in the air. What follows is a cautionary tale for all of us. I begin by saying, I apologize to Judas. I know he was the one who ultimately betrayed Jesus, however it could have been any of the disciples, just like it could have been any of us. We like to believe we wouldn’t let the Master down, yet even the disciples paused and wondered who it was. I contend if we could have gone into each of their minds we would have heard each of them playing the blame game. They could have found fault with any one. For Judas it was money, but for Peter it could have been cussing, or violence. For Thomas it could have been doubting. What i’m driving at is we are all capable of letting our Savior down. Each of us is guilty of betrayal in one way or another. This scene of betrayal with Judas could have played out with any human of any time in history, for all of us have sinned and fallen short of GOD’S glory. For this reason I apologize to Judas because that would totally absolve me for any part I have played in the betrayal. I apologize to Judas because he takes the fall for fallen humanity, and we see how he couldn’t handle the stress of it all. Secondly I apologize to Judas because it is possible he truly believed the Jeshua would not allow his demise to come like this. In some ways he may have been working to force Jeshua to claim his throne as Israels new king. Unfortunately the kingdom Jeshua came to introduce was not of this world.

Recognizing the ways that we all have betrayed Jesus is a sobering thought for me. We are all like Judas, impatient, reckless, selfish from time to time.  As we go through today, let us reflect on being more aware of our opportunities to be more forgiving, and loving, for there but by the grace of GOD, We ARE JUDAS. #livebig

PRAYER: LORD too often we have betrayed you. We have been too gullible and receptive to the schemes of the devil. Help us to be more aware of your presence and more patient with your Divine delays.

Point To Ponder: How have you betrayed Jeshua? How have you connected with your weaknesses? What will you do about it?

Holy Week Tuesday: Living to Die, Dying to Live

        Tuesday of Holy Week  Its A Good Day To Die

Death is life’s common denominator. At some point in the life of every living creature, death comes. Instinctively all life forms pursue what it takes to perpetuate life until the moment the pursuit of life ends. In essence life ends in pursuit of life. This being said, it sounds peculiar to hear that this is a good day to die. Why would anyone say that or believe that? We tend to run from death, so how is it possible to be a good day to die? Jesus gives us a response to this query.

In our text, recorded in the Gospel of John 12 we find Jesus in the last week of his earthly ministry. He has arrived in Jerusalem to a crowd and this crowd continue to gather around him. Yesterday we said “Don’t believe the hype”. Even though crowds may gather people are fickle and the mood of a crowd can change like the weather. I mean, snow in April??? Knowing this Jesus senses a mood shift in the atmosphere and knows the praises of men and women are Not a foundation to build upon. Jesus responds to an inquiry of his presence by Greeks in the crowd by saying, “24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

Reading these words knowing the end of the story makes it difficult to imagine how the disciples must have heard them. My sense is they heard Jesus in essence say “it’s a good day to die.” It is clear that Jesus sees that life has no meaning when all one is doing is avoiding death. Jesus begins to unlock a door in the hearts and minds of people that had long been a fear inducing mystery. Death! nobody likes talking about or even hearing about it, yet the Master Jesus uses nature to teach, There can be no forest or fruit unless a seed is willing to sacrifice it’s life. As long as a seed holds on to it’s “seedness”, it misses its life giving purpose. Inside the seed is life. This life however cannot be experienced without the death of what has been familiar. As long as we stick to the familiar spaces of our comfort zones, there may be no new life coming from us. As long as we fight for the status quo we ultimately refuse to live. Jesus challenges us by giving us a broader vision of life. Jesus offers eternal life to those who value the Spirit over the flesh. Those who love their life in this world which is temporary will lose it. Those who hate their life in this world will gain eternity. It’s a good day to die. It’s a good day to die to the pursuit of this worlds delusive dreams. It’s a good day to die to selfishness. It’s a good day to die to petty arguments and foolish pride. It’s a good day to die to greed and fear. It’s a good day to die to any ideas of scarcity when we deal with a GOD of abundance.

This week reminds us as we follow the steps of Jesus that Death is not to be feared as an ending but embraced as a new beginning. I encourage you to no longer be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. If anyone be in Christ they are a new creature. If you want to live you must die. #livebig

PRAYER: LORD, teach us to value your presence, more than your presents. Enable us to die to the things that compromise your glory from shining through. We surrender as our big brother Jeshua did, aware of the risk, help us to say yes to your will. AMEN

Point to Ponder: What death needs to occur in your life in order for you to be fully alive? How often have you gone through the motions of your faith journey, devoid of passion and vitality? Do you have the courage to say, “Not my will, but thy will be done”?

Holy Week Monday :The Hype

Holy Week Monday Don't Believe The Hype

Our scripture today is Matthew 21:19-46

Building upon 40 Days of Devotion we begin Holy Week. After 40 days of sacrifice, and repentance we are now faced with the prospect of an even more difficult task. Some might say we come out of the frying pan and jump right into the skillet. Yesterday we had a moment to exhale, to celebrate. Palm Sunday reminded us that every now and then people get it right. Jesus enters humbly into Jerusalem but he is welcomed like the King he is. The people greet him with shouts of save us and blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. For just a moment it seems like things are going to get better. Still Jesus did not get caught up in the hype. Instead of relying on the emotions of the people to dictate his future actions, Jesus continue his pursuit to the cross.

Our text begins the next morning. After the hoopla of yesterday Jesus is on his way back to the city and sees a fig tree. Upon seeing the tree there is the expectation there would be figs on the tree. Jesus is hungry and is anticipating a breakfast of figs and fellowship. What he finds is an empty tree. Looks good but producing nothing. How often are we like this fig tree. We look good on the outside, we have our bibles, and we have memorized some key verses. We know “church talk” and can be seen in some of the “right” places. But upon closer inspection, we are full of sound and fury signifying nothing. There is no substance to us. Far too often we focus on our shell and neglect our soul. Jesus expects fruit and finds fakery. He then utters what I sense to be a scary utterance. Jesus says “may you never bear fruit again”. Wow and owww. The first law GOD gave creation was be fruitful and multiple. For Jesus to say be no more fruitful is to take away its purpose. Immediately the tree withers. Life without purpose is death. When I read this I can imagine what it would be like if all hope were gone. Even further when i read this I sense Jesus challenging us on being true to fulfilling our purpose. We are called to do more than look good and talk the talk. When we are fig trees in a world that is hungry, we are intended to bear fruit. Not just leaves, but fruit.

Jesus challenges us on bearing fruit and also uses this experience as a teaching moment for the disciples. Jesus replied to the disciples amazement by saying, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” When we pray we unlock are exposed to an unlimited supply of power. Jesus helps us to unlock a treasure of incalculable value. Faith without doubt. The power is not in the praise of people but in the presence of GOD.

Today I am encouraged to be intentional about bearing fruit. The hype of should should not dictate the life we live. Beyond the hype, the work for the kingdom must still be done. Do not grow weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap a harvest if we faint not. #livebig

PRAYER: Eternal GOD help us to bridge the gap between what we say we believe and what we do about it. Help us to increase our faith to make more of ourselves available to you, not swayed by public opinion.

Point To Ponder: What have others said about you that you have taken personal? What has it cost you? Share the most powerful memory you have of the presence of Yahweh.

Palm Sunday 2015: You Are Needed


Our Scripture today is Matthew 21:1-17

Its Palm Sunday. We have arrived at the end of our 40 Days of Lenten Devotions. I am grateful for all who have followed or read these devotions over the last 40 days. I will continue to post up to Resurrection Sunday and then as the spirit leads.

Have you ever recognized the gap between where you are and where you want to be? Have you examined yourself honestly and recognized your blemishes and flaws. IN short have you ever in the presence of GOD felt, awkward, unworthy, even ugly? After forty days of reflecting and drawing closer to GOD, repenting of my past wrongs, I now see how much further I have to go. Whenever we draw closer to the light, we are able to see more details. We have a tendency to only see the gaps but miss the glimpses of grace and glory. What I am driving at is even though we may not yet be all we can be, after forty days of discipline we are better than we would have been. The triumphal entry of Jesus on a donkey is an example of how GOD can use the ordinary to fulfill an extraordinary purpose.

In our text we have the Master preparing to enter Jerusalem for what would be the last time. He prepares by asking two disciples to run ahead and get a donkey and a colt to ride on. There is no indication that Jesus was anticipating the crowds gathering yet they did. As Jesus rides in on the donkey, a beast of burden, Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan in THE LAST WEEK, indicate there was another procession on the other side of town. The sense is Pilate was also arriving around the same time. The contrast between these two arrivals is stark. Pilate would have arrived with military guards on Stallions with pomp and circumstance and the show of power and authority was intentional, for all to see. On the other side of town, arriving through an olive grove on what would have been a side street, Jesus arrives, with a crowd that seems to gather and they start a commotion, shouting Hosanna. Now Hosanna literally means save us. As we say Hosanna today we will be saying save us. The question is, save us from what? From the oppression of external pressures? From sexism, racism, ageism, or any other ism? Or save us from what we have learned about ourselves over the last 40 days. How we can be cranky or prone to acting out on our worst desires? What are we asking to be saved from and saved to?

As Jesus arrives a few things come to my mind. First he chooses a donkey. Donkeys are low to the ground, they are generally, beasts of burden, and rarely have you ever heard that’s a fine looking donkey you have there. They may resemble horses but they aren’t admired of adored like horses. I believe Jesus chooses to enter like this and even say the LORD has need of the donkey to remind us, no matter how scarred we may be, no matter how ignored we may be, no matter what our past may be, The LORD still has need of us. GOD can use us no matter what we look like. GOD can use us despite the gaps in our life or the gaps in our teeth. The LORD has need of you.

Today and as we continue into this Holy Week, be encouraged. GOD can use you to do a mighty work for the kingdom. The challenge is for us not to simply get caught up in crowd celebrations because as we follow the story throughout the week, crowds can be fickle. One moment they cheer and the next they jeer. One moment they can say Hosanna and the next they say hang him up and kill him. Beyond the crowd check the core of your heart. Save us from us and from others. Live In Victory Everyday, Believing In GOD. LIVEBIG.

PRAYER: LORD you have revealed yourself in so many ways. Unfortunately our vision has been obscured and we have not noticed you. Open our eyes that we may see your royalty on a donkey. Guide our footsteps on the pathways that our praises are sincere and we resist the pull of the crowd.  Grant us courage and compassion. AMEN

Point To Ponder: How many times have we missed the presence of GOD in our midst because he didn’t meet our expectations? How will you look in the unfamiliar places for the faces of Yeshua in our midst?

Holy Saturday Silence


Holy Saturday  Silence

Our scripture today is Matthew 27:57-66

How do you feel in stillness? How do you respond to being alone, intentionally silent? No phone or tablet, no newspaper or radio? Many people are uncomfortable in silence? On one Holy Saturday I had an hour of silent meditation at the church. No sound, just silence. At the end one of my elders said, “I cannot do this again, the silence was deafening”. Our present society is filled with distractions and often we miss the subtle moves of GOD in our midst. historically Jesus is in the tomb today. We wait in silent expectation for the resurrection.

Out text depicts the burial of Jesus. A guard is placed outside the tomb and the savior is silent. When the savior is silent I work to be still. Moving without direction and inspiration is like being a ship without a sail. Like a leaf in the wind. Holy Saturday is not just a day to put the finishing touches on the new outfit, but the time to be still and reflect on what it is like to be still. Slow down today, take an extra moment to smell your surroundings and experience the presence of GOD on the most solemn of days. #livebig

Maundy Thursday Love Is An Action Word


Maundy Thursday Love Is An Action Word

What do you like most about your feet? If you are like many people, the least favorite part of their body is their feet. In some ways it stands to reason. (no pun intended). We walk on them all day everyday. We often enclose them in shoes, and generally unless they are causing a problem, we neglect them. This modern perception is also an ancient one. We find even in this Biblical text a sense of how body perception can drive behavior. Maundy Thursday and the history of foot washing established by Jesus tells us a lot about our roles as followers of Jesus. We never stand so high as when we stoop so low as to wash anothers feet.

In our text we find Jesus, sensing the magnitude of the life he has been called to live. It’s a couple days after his “flash mob” parade into Jerusalem, and a day or so before his public execution. A lot is weighing heavy in his spirit. One thing we see about Jesus is although his life is in the balance, he never stops teaching. Jesus is the ultimate example of how to live until you die. Instead of running and hiding, or over indulging in creature comforts, Jesus in our text is found on his knees, washing the feet of his disciples. That almost doesn’t sound right. The Master, the Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace, the Son of GOD, on his knees, washing the feet of a group of followers whose faith wobbled, and actions were erratic to say the least. Not only that but Jesus washes the feet of the very man who will betray him in less than a day, and of another who will deny even knowing him. I don’t know about you, but that blows my mind. I can think of the times I have to challenge myself not to think of myself as other. When I say that I mean there are times it takes work to find the connection between myself and the people who are least like me. I can assure you, kneeling and washing the feet of someone I couldn’t trust would be the last thing on my mind. And that why I love Jesus so. Jesus is showing me that no matter how high I fly I am never better than anybody. Jesus is showing me that if I have been blessed abundantly it is to share and not to show off. Jesus by kneeling helps me to stand up to the worst parts of myself and become a better person.

Now Jesus stooping to bless did not thrill everybody. In fact Simon Peter said, “You shall never wash my feet”. I like Peter. Still Jesus’ response to Peter gives us our marching orders. Jesus says, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” Wow! Jesus does not take the easy way out. I might have said, shoot I didn’t want to wash your stinky feet anyway. You’ve been walking through the unpaved roads of the country side, stepping on GOD knows what, with open toed sandals and no socks, Yeah Pete you can have your stink feet. But Jesus, responds in a way that reminds every believer, you are never too good to serve. Secondly our service is not based on the merit of the people we are serving. Peter was on the verge of denying Jesus and yet Jesus washes his feet. Love is an action word. Love is a verb.

Today on Maundy Thursday I encourage you to bless somebody. Leave and extra tip. Ask the question of a stranger, “How may I bless you today?” You might get stared at, but you will never know the impact it could have. If that is too daring, offer to was the feet of a family member, or even to wash their hands for them. The main point is humble yourself and serve. #livebig #maundythursday

Wednesday Holy Week “Betrayal, We Are All Judas”


Our scripture today is John 13:21-32


Have you ever been troubled in your spirit? Have you ever sensed something was about to happen that made you feel uneasy? There are times when GOD allows us to feel when there is a shift in our spiritual atmosphere. We may not know when, where, or why, but we do know something’s up. In times like these, Be alert, for your adversary, the devil is lurking like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

In our text today Jesus feels something is about to happen. After saying “whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”Jesus was troubled in his spirit.” He senses that someone has been giving lip service to following him, but inwardly they are not totally committed to the cause. Jesus senses betrayal is in the air. What follows is a cautionary tale for all of us. I begin by saying, I apologize to Judas. I know he was the one who ultimately betrayed Jesus, however it could have been any of the disciples, just like it could have been any of us. We like to believe we wouldn’t let the Master down, yet even the disciples paused and wondered who it was. I contend if we could have gone into each of their minds we would have heard each of them playing the blame game. They could have found fault with any one. For Judas it was money, but for Peter it could have been cussing, or violence. For Thomas it could have been doubting. What i’m driving at is we are all capable of letting our Savior down. Each of us is guilty of betrayal in one way or another. This scene of betrayal with Judas could have played out with any human of any time in history, for all of us have sinned and fallen short of GOD’S glory. For this reason I apologize to Judas because that would totally absolve me for any part I have played in the betrayal. I apologize to Judas because he takes the fall for fallen humanity, and we see how he couldn’t handle the stress of it all.

Recognizing the ways that we all have betrayed Jesus is a sobering thought for me. As we go through today, let us reflect on being more aware of our opportunities to be more forgiving, and loving, for there but by the grace of GOD, We ARE JUDAS. #livebig

Wednesday Holy Week “Betrayal, We are All Judas”



Our scripture today is John 13:21-32

Have you ever been troubled in your spirit? Have you ever sensed something was about to happen that made you feel uneasy? There are times when GOD allows us to feel when there is a shift in our spiritual atmosphere. We may not know when, where, or why, but we do know something’s up. In times like these, Be alert, for your adversary, the devil is lurking like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

In our text today Jesus feels something is about to happen. After saying “whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”Jesus was troubled in his spirit.” He senses that someone has been giving lip service to following him, but inwardly they are not totally committed to the cause. Jesus senses betrayal is in the air. What follows is a cautionary tale for all of us. I begin by saying, I apologize to Judas. I know he was the one who ultimately betrayed Jesus, however it could have been any of the disciples, just like it could have been any of us. We like to believe we wouldn’t let the Master down, yet even the disciples paused and wondered who it was. I contend if we could have gone into each of their minds we would have heard each of them playing the blame game. They could have found fault with any one. For Judas it was money, but for Peter it could have been cussing, or violence. For Thomas it could have been doubting. What i’m driving at is we are all capable of letting our Savior down. Each of us is guilty of betrayal in one way or another. This scene of betrayal with Judas could have played out with any human of any time in history, for all of us have sinned and fallen short of GOD’S glory. For this reason I apologize to Judas because that would totally absolve me for any part I have played in the betrayal. I apologize to Judas because he takes the fall for fallen humanity, and we see how he couldn’t handle the stress of it all.

Recognizing the ways that we all have betrayed Jesus is a sobering thought for me. As we go through today, let us reflect on being more aware of our opportunities to be more forgiving, and loving, for there but by the grace of GOD, We ARE JUDAS. #livebig